Friday, August 20, 2010

Weigh in day...not so good!

Well this morning I weighed in and the scale said I gained 2 lbs which just can't be. There is nothing I did differently this week than any other week. The only thing I can think of is that my legs have been sore all week and my muscles are probably swollen. My feet were also a bit swollen this morning when I woke up. So I am thinking that I'm retaining water right now,,,and we know water weight weighs more than anything. So I am going to just hope that that is all it is!

Now back to these sore muscles...I didn't walk home last night from work but I did walk a lot around the outlet mall and my legs didn't hurt during the slow walking. This pain I am having is in both legs on the outside of my calves. I've had this pain before when I first started walking at the beginning of my weight loss journey. I never went to the doctor because the pain gradually went away and I figured it was hurting because I hadn't walked that in a long time. Someone mentioned to me that maybe it was because I haven't been drinking enough water before I walk. Which might be the case in the morning but I drink a lot of water during the day and they still hurt during my lunch time walk and on the way home. I am going to rest my legs the rest of today and the weekend and see if that helps the inflammation go down.

I have plantar factious and someone else mentioned to me that the pain in my legs could be caused by that. Plantar factious runs in my family and is pretty painful! . It is pain in the arch of my foot where the tendon tightens from the ball of my foot to my heal. I bought better shoes and that has helped most days, along with taking Omega 3, a twice daily pain med, and water pill. But some days the pain still brakes through and maybe that's all this leg pain is...the pain moving up my muscles?!

If anyone knows anything about this pain, please comment. :)

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