Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Last night I joined a Twitter chat session of Fitblog. I did this for a class assignment for my online Social media class but really enjoyed the hour. There were soo many people tweeting in the chat and they all had blogs about the same general topic that I do! Very cool! I added my blog to the list of blogs and have started looking through the list and choosing some blogs to read. I read one this morning. The women is about the same age as me and going through the same journey I am. She set a long list of goals for herself. She listed some great goals on there that I hadn't thought of. When I started my weight loss journey I decided I only wanted to set 2 simple goals for myself!

1) Lose weight!
2) Be Healthier!

Then, the outcome of my goals will be to feel better, stop hurting, move faster, etc. With these 2 simple goals, I wouldn't feel like I had failed all the time if I didn't reach a goal I set for myself. Or what if I never reached one of the goals I set for myself or it wasn't really obtainable to begin with?! I didn't want to ever feel like what I had done wasn't enough, start feeling like I was a failure and then give up and return to the same unhealthy lifestyle I was living before.

I don't think about how much weight I really need to lose or what weight I am supposed to be at to be considered Healthy. If I think about that all the time I will stress myself out. Some people might think of that as motivation but it would seem like an unattainable goal to me and make me stressed.

So I take my weight loss a day at a time. I feel proud of myself for whatever I did that day. Or if I do have an off day I don't dwell on it. I look at the next day as a new day. There is no way to eat soo much in one day that I would gain even a pound! So, if I have an off day I go for an extra walk the next day or I just start over... It's OK to eat a piece of birthday cake at a party. You should allow yourself something you enjoy to eat everyone once in a while. Don't over indulge, just enjoy! :) Just try to plan around it if you know you want to have it. Eat lighter the rest of the day or plan an extra walk that evening. :)

So, be proud of yourself and keep moving! You'll feel better in the long run! :)

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